Scale Crosswalking
We have expertise in converting scores from older instruments to new instruments
We have cross-walked two measures of fatigue (Modified Fatigue Impact Scale and the PROMIS Fatigue Short Form) and two measures of pain (BPI and PROMIS Pain Interference Short Form)
Fatigue: Noonan VK, Cook KF, Bamer AM, Choi SW, Kim J, Amtmann D. Measuring fatigue in persons with multiple sclerosis: creating a crosswalk between the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale and the PROMIS Fatigue Short Form. Qual Life Res. 2012 Sep;21(7):1123-33.
Pain: Askew RL, Kim J, Chung H, Cook KF, Johnson KL, Amtmann D. Development of a crosswalk for pain interference measured by the BPI and PROMIS pain interference short form. Qual Life Res. 2013 Dec;22(10):2769-76.